Addictive massage of heaven, no sex, hot swimmer body kiwiasian (40’s)
There is a special place in heaven for people who, for a living, ease tension, stress anxiety & maintain, improve health through massage…
Most clients’ comment “what a wonderful experience, you are so skilled, that’s the best massage I have ever had.”says a thousand words…
Nude massage on a new table, big and comfortable , using disposable sheet,sanitising face support with alco pad after each session…
Location: Auckland central private luxurious Docks apartment, opposite Woolworths, new carpet, Heat pump, very clean, nature themed room “secret garden”with a hint of beauty and serenity….a place has no issues of trust, hygiene and privacy.
Exploring your sexuality in a healthy manner is normal, natural and drama free, life is short, at this time of uncertainty, forget not “me time”, try to enjoy what you like in life when you can is living life to its fullness ...
Clients said:
* “One cannot ignore a write up like yours particularly when looking for something uplifting rather than sleazy… my wife first found you on Trademe, we really appreciate your amazing service every single time…”
* “I knew it was going to be good, but didn’t know it is this good…you are probably one of those few real ladies exactly like pics and fit into the profile….great swimmer body, positive energy, wise and humorous...that’s without any doubt the best massage I have ever had…”
* “You have an amazing attitude and presence, professional and incredibly skilled, you made me feel completely at ease and comfortable , that what leads to an amazing experience “
* “ Me and my wife always love massage therapy, over the years we had a few really good ones, but this by far is the best I have to say. Great service , I feel incredible…”
* ”It was literally the best massage l’ve ever had,that includes other professional masseurs here and overseas…Having Your beautiful hands lomiloming on my body feels so amazing, sensual and spiritual. Even your voice is so relaxing…Definitely will be coming back if you’ll have me :p
* “I am absolutely stunned, your PDN treatment, Reaching orgasm with prostate massage is awesome, I saw stars…I’ve never felt this before…your hands are the best…..”
* “Hahaha it’s so good to know my prostate is healthy and functioning, you are so talented, informative and have a nice way about it, I thoroughly enjoyed the session….”
* “You’ve been on my fav watch-list for a long time, I finally got to meet you… thanks for an amazing experience and the awesome teaching session. Pity you are in Auckland…”
If you are after a genuinely great sensational session, guilt free addictive professional proper massage plus... No sex, you are reading the right profile, I am your lady , no disappointment! lol
The session routine includes:
Face down Warming up
Head to toes relaxation massage (can do deep tissue, sports massage)
Yingyang balanced Taiji moves
Hawaiian lomilomi massage
Feet up sensual arousing massage
Fingers Rimming with oil
Frog pose penis pulling
Face up sensual light touches
Sexual performance enhancement treatment (抓龙凤筋)
Prostate massage underneath the balls (external +K exercise)
Tantra lingam massage to orgasm
Front head to toes massage to relax and unwind
A few Thai style stretching poses can be included in session for those fit body customers only.
Hot jade stones massage can be added in winter, on request.
Proper prostate massage internal extra $30 (yes I have given many pleasurable prostate orgasm, some being first timers), strap-on to you extra $50.
A few useful information from clients and my years of experience about prostate massage:
* those who have prostate problem or lost prostate spot can’t get decent erection, and feel less sexual or become non sexual, that spot does affect men’s sexuality
* Those who are active with anal play, regularly doing internal K exercise (which I teach if you don’t know) and prostate massage can result in having a younger healthy prostate spot
* Reaching orgasm with proper prostate massage is very intense ,powerful and mind blowing interesting , some experiences whole body sensation
Hi gents, I am an attractive inside and out kiwi Asian in my 40’s, tall toned swimmer body (swimming & dancing regularly for fitness), soft great hands …
Most importantly very affordable rates:
$60 quick hand relief for busy professionals
$100 -30 mins
$120- 45mins
$150- 60mins
$200- 90mins is recommended for those who enjoy thorough whole body proper massage plus, it’s so good….
Donts: no kissing, no sex , no oral, no fingering, and no dating!
I am a trained masseuse , I use combination of all styles massaging strokes(oriental traditional, Swedish, Hawaiian etc…)using hands ,arms , knees and feet…definitely know how to push the right buttons to turn you on when I start lomilomi, light sensual touches to those sensitive will experience full body meditative sexual and spiritual pleasure ...
I like a person similar to myself with great personality, positive attitude and a sense of humour. Particularly like clients who are nice polite respectful, appreciate and enjoy what I offer. I used to be a languages lecturer at tertiary level, Speaking proper fluent English, can communicate on any subject of my interest on a high and deeper level, particularly enjoy subjects relating to health, well-being and spirituality, how to stay positive and happy, stay away from any forms of negativity ...
When you are ready to treat yourself for a mini holiday, text or call 0210501652.
Looking forward to massaging you!
Jen xo
English and other languages
Hair color
Body type
168 cm
Natural C
Pubic hair
Natural growth
Place of service
Incall /
Meeting with
Auckland waterfront
30 mins
1 hour
2 hours
Daily 10am to 9pm Sunday 1pm to 9pm