Best place in CHCH
The Venusroom is a new age Adult Entertainment Venue. Gone are the days of long all night shifts, low pay, cleaning duties and drunk clients, catty behavior and all those other things bad that the industry is known for.
Also The Venusroom has a scheme so as you will never go home empty handed. If you complete a full shift and the day has been slow we guarantee you will take home at least $100.00
Pick your own times to be at work, (We understand ladies have children etc) Get the top pay rates in Christchurch and use our accommodation free if you are from out of town.
Our clients are handpicked decent men who appreciate good service and clean premises and friendly ladies that give them value for money. Read our review section and see what the clients say about our services.
Madame Touche is in charge, she has years of experience in the industry greed, is not one of her traits.
You must be well presented, meth free and not be mixed up with bad people.
Ladies that are new to the industry are welcome no experience necessary.
The Venusroom is a safe place to work from as it is in the suburbs with full security networks in place as your SAFETY is our TOP PRIORITY !!!
We also have a discreet entrance for those that choose to use it/ Full payment in cash is available after every appointment with no shift fees at all and no cleaning duties etc.
We work as a team you are welcome to come in and join us if you would like to earn some great money, build your confidence and make some new friends this is the place for you.
kiwi european
Hair color
Body type
Natural DD
Pubic hair
Fully shaved
Place of service
Incall /
Meeting with
The Venusroom, Woolston
30 mins
1 hour
2 hours